NDP Investor Program
Private Secured Loan
Property Equity Partnership
Development Partnership
Long Term Investments
Private Secured Loan
High caliber investment property outcomes begin with strategic loan planning with qualified experts. You have the opportunity to be our private mortgage bank and help us finance the purchase of distressed real estate, which we will then renovate and after completion sell for market value, bringing you profit. You will enjoy very low risk as a partner in this capacity because you will be in first lien position therefore your investment and interest will be paid back first. During this time, we pay 10-12% on the initial loan value. You can also expect us to complete this investment cycle within 6 months.
Property Equity Partnership
This partnership is a more active role which means that you will be involved as an investment partner in the actual renovation and sale of a distressed property. The investor in this case funds the construction and all other related expenses, and shares in the equity of the property when it is completed and sold for market value. Our average turnaround time is 6-12 months, and as a partner in the project you will be able to receive a percentage of the total profit. Through our robust online platform, we offer live access to project expenses, work progress and schedule. As a partner you will be able to offer any feedback and suggestions to our team.
Development Partnership
Real estate development is an exciting and unique area of opportunity that gives you a large amount of flexibility around the level to which you want to invest. As a small equity or large equity partner, you will enjoy a high return on your investment over the 18-24 month development process. Timelines may vary depending on the project but the excellence and quality of our work will not.
Long Term Investments
As a part of a diversified portfolio, long-term real estate investments are truly an optimal course of action for achieving financial security. The integrity of long-term real estate investments can provide a solid backbone of added security in your financial portfolio. Our team of experts will work closely with you to optimize your real estate investment strategy and craft a custom solution that matches your needs.
Next Door Properties has a complete portfolio for long-term investing. These are typically remodeled apartment buildings that have been renegotiated with the bank for a low interest rate. The apartments are then leased to tenants. Day-to-day maintenance of our properties is taken care of by our own property management organization. With this kind of long-term venture, you will retain any equity in your building, and all the appreciation that comes with it over time. This specific sector is one in which real estate experts predict a tremendous rise in the upcoming years, making it a very valid way to protect and grow your investments.